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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

About Seminars

As part of the Research and Analysis programme of work, we have held a series of seminars.

What are seminars?

The purpose of the seminar series was to gather information and views about important topics, to help the Inquiry to identify areas for further investigation and scrutiny. They did this by

  1. Providing information for investigations and hearings to consider.
  2. Gathering the latest views on topics that may not yet have been publicly available.
  3. Considering the implications for the four themes for change set out in the Chair’s December 2016 review: cultural; structural; financial; and professional & political.

How did seminars work?

Each seminar had a structured discussion among the invited participants, led by a member of the Inquiry Counsel team.

Invitations were issued to relevant stakeholders and victims and survivor groups to actively participate in the structured discussion. The structured discussion would either follow a presentation of research work conducted for the Inquiry, or an ‘expert presentation’.

After each seminar took place, we published transcripts and a video recording of the event as well as a report on what happened on this website.

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