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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse in the context of children’s homes and residential care

Victims and survivors’ suggestions for change

Participants made a number of suggestions to improve child protection and assist victims and survivors of child sexual abuse in future.

Structurally, it was suggested that there should be better communication between residential care agencies, and that it should be easier for victims and survivors to access their own information regarding their time in care. Financially, participants thought the assumption that claimants seeking compensation for sexual abuse just want financial compensation needs to be challenged. Culturally, participants said that there needed to be greater awareness of child sexual abuse amongst children and young people, and that the power around people in positions of authority within residential care contexts needed to be challenged. Politically and professionally, participants thought that residential care needed to value and nurture children and that children with disabilities should be better looked after within the system.

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