Ampleforth Abbey Trust AAT is a parent trust. It owns all the buildings and property of Ampleforth Abbey and is concerned with the running of the monastery and abbey.[1] |
Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales CBC is the official, permanent assembly of Catholic Bishops in England and Wales made up of the archbishops, bishops and auxiliary bishops of the 22 Catholic dioceses, together with some others.[2] |
Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith CDF is one of the congregations of the Roman Curia. Its responsibilities include promoting safeguarding and exercising its judicial function.[3] |
Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life CICLSAL is the office of the Vatican which is responsible for supervising the different religious communities in the Catholic Church.[4] |
Catholic Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults Recommendation 16 of the Nolan Report led to the establishment of the Catholic Office for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults COPCA in 2002.[5] This organisation was replaced by CSAS (see CSAS). |
Conference of Religious COR is an unincorporated association established for the benefit of the major superiors of the religious congregations in England and Wales who choose to join, including the English Benedictine Congregation (‘EBC’). The COR encourages collaboration between congregations and their superiors but does not compromise their autonomy.[6] |
Child protection representative Each monastery appoints its own CPR, whose remit should be distinct from that of the CPR of any school or parish attached to the monastery.[7] |
The Commission for Social Care Inspection The CSCI replaced the NCSC by amendments made by the Health and Social Care (Community Standards and Health) Act 2003 to carry out ‘the welfare inspection duty’.[8] |
Catholic Safeguarding Advisory Service CSAS is the national agency for driving and supporting improvements in safeguarding practice within the Catholic Church in England and Wales.[9] This organisation replaced COPCA (see COPCA) from 1 July 2008 on the basis of recommendation 3 of the Cumberlege Report,[10] and is responsible for implementation, training and advice.[11] |
The Disclosure and Barring Service DBS replaced the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) and the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) in 2012. The DBS carries out criminal record checks that result in DBS certificates being issued to an individual. Employers can then ask to see this certificate to ensure that they are recruiting suitable people into their organisation. There are currently three levels of criminal record check: basic, standard and enhanced.[12] |
DfE |
Department for Education The DfE is responsible for children’s services and education, including early years, schools, higher and further education policy, apprenticeships and wider skills in England. Their responsibilities include teaching and learning for children in the early years and in primary schools and secondary schools.[13] This department replaced DES (see DES) in 1992, then became the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) in 1995, then the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) in 2001, then the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) in 2007, before becoming the Department for Education again in 2010. |
Department of Education and Science Replaced by the DfE (see DfE) in 1992. |
Designated safeguarding lead The DSL has several responsibilities set out in the school’s child protection policy. These duties include being the first point of contact in matters of child protection and safeguarding. The DSL liaises closely with the relevant LADO (see LADO).[14] |
Independent Schools Inspectorate The ISI has a number of functions, including inspecting and monitoring the educational, boarding care and early years provision of association independent schools against standards set by the government and publishing reliable objective reports, as well as evaluating the educational provision of association schools against the ISI inspection framework.[15] |
Local authority designated officer The role and responsibilities of the LADO are set out in the Working Together guidance 2015. Their role is to give advice, liaise with other agencies and investigate allegations on behalf of the local authority. Every agency that works with children should have a designated officer whose role is to liaise with the LADO.[16] |
The Lucy Faithfull Foundation A charitable organisation which works with individuals in an effort to prevent child sexual abuse as well as with victims of abuse and other family members.[17] |
Multi-agency public protection arrangements The name given to arrangements in England and Wales for the responsible authorities tasked with the management of registered sex offenders, violent and other types of sexual offenders, and offenders who pose a serious risk of harm to the public. The responsible authorities of the MAPPA include the National Probation Directorate and England and Wales police forces.[18] |
National Child Protection Unit The Nolan Report in recommendation 3 stated the National Child Protection Unit would advise dioceses and orders, coordinate where necessary, and monitor and report on progress.[19] |
National Care Standards Commission Amendments to the Children Act 1991 transferred the ‘welfare inspection duty’ to the NCSC. The NCSC was replaced by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) by amendments made by the Health and Social Care (Community Standards and Health) Act 2003.[20] |
National Catholic Safeguarding Commission In April 2008, the recommendations of the Cumberlege Commission were accepted. This included the establishment of the National Catholic Safeguarding Commission (NCSC) and CSAS (see CSAS). The NCSC is responsible for safeguarding policy development and compliance and for setting and directing the work of CSAS.[21] |
When the police determine that ‘No further action’ is necessary or possible to be taken when investigating potentially criminal matters.[22] |
Ofsted |
Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills Ofsted is a non-ministerial government department who inspect and regulate services that care for children and young people, and services providing education and skills.[23] |
Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors A commission, forming part of the Holy See, established by Pope Francis in 2014. Its purpose is to propose initiatives to the Pope for the purpose of promoting local responsibility in churches for the protection of minors and vulnerable adults.[24] |
Social Care Institute for Excellence The Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) was set up by the Government in 2001 as part of their strategy to improve social care provision and practice. SCIE develops and promotes knowledge about good practice in social care and social work by undertaking research and training.[25] |
St Laurence Educational Trust[26] Ampleforth School has been run by a separate educational trust, the SLET, since 1997.[27] SLET is a wholly owned subsidiary trust of the AAT (see AAT). SLET and its trustees are responsible for the the governance of both Ampleforth College and SMA (see SMA).[28] |
The school leadership team for Downside School Executive authority from the school’s governing body is delegated to the headmaster and the school leadership team.[29] |
St Martin’s Ampleforth In 2001, Ampleforth College Junior School merged with St Martin’s, a small local preparatory school eight miles away in Nawton, becoming St Martin’s Ampleforth (SMA).[30] |