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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.


The Inquiry produced regular publications, covering legal investigations, research, quarterly statistics and experiences shared with the Truth Project. In 2018, the Inquiry released its Interim Report, which included recommendations to Parliament.

The Chair and Panel made further recommendations which arose directly from their findings. The Inquiry monitored institutional responses to these recommendations through a formal process.

The Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

This report is the final statutory Report published by the Inquiry. In accordance with the Terms of Reference, it sets out the main findings and makes recommendations for reform.

Investigation reports

Each public hearing concludes with a report that sets out the Inquiry’s conclusions on institutional failings. Investigation reports identify practical recommendations for change.

Research reports

The Inquiry publishes research reports on a range of subjects. Summary reports, blogs and infographics are also available.

Engagement with victims and survivors - reports

These reports are used by the Chair and Panel to help inform findings and shape recommendations to better protect children in future.

Quarterly statistics

Statistical updates on the three strands of our work are published quarterly. These cover public hearings, research and the Truth Project.

Truth Project

The Inquiry publishes narratives of experiences shared with the Truth Project on a regular basis. All names and identifying details are changed before publication.

Interim Report

The Inquiry's Interim Report was released in April 2018. It provides an overview of the work undertaken by the Inquiry and includes recommendations for specific changes to help protect children from sexual abuse in the future.

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