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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Children in the care of the Nottinghamshire Councils Investigation Report

Annex 3: List of convictions

There have been various convictions for sexual offences against children over the period covered by this investigation. Convictions of residential care staff for sexual abuse of children in residential care and convictions for child sexual abuse in foster care are listed below. Where the conviction was for non-recent abuse, the timeframe of the abuse is listed along with the year of conviction. Where the conviction was for recent abuse, only the year of conviction is listed. Convictions for harmful sexual behaviour are not listed because, by their nature, those who were convicted were children at the time of the offence. 

The Sexual Offences Act 1956[1] included offences of rape, unlawful sexual intercourse with girls under 16 and indecent assault of children. 

The Indecency with Children Act 1960[2] introduced the offence of gross indecency with a child under the age of 14. 

The Sexual Offences Act 2003[3] made provisions about new sexual offences and the protection of children from harm from sexual acts and incidents connected with sexual acts.

Table of convictions of residential care staff for sexual abuse of children in residential care


Nature of the offence(s)

Year of conviction

Sentence received

Malcolm Henderson

Indecent assault of two girls at Skegby Hall 


Two-year probation order

Colin Wallace

Four counts of unlawful sexual intercourse against a child in care



Michael Preston

Two counts of indecent assault against a resident at Three Roofs Community Home


Nine months’ imprisonment

Gerald Jacobs

Indecent assault of a resident at Amberdale Secure Unit


Nine months’ imprisonment

David Marriott

Four counts of indecent assault against two residents at Skegby Hall 


Two years’ imprisonment

Steven Carlisle

Three counts of indecent assault against residents at Woodnook Community Home



Norman Campbell

Four counts of buggery and three counts of indecent assault against children in residential and foster care


Six years’ imprisonment

John Dent

11 counts, including rape and indecent assault of children at Beechwood and Hillcrest in the 1970s


Seven years’ imprisonment

Paul Wheater

16 counts of indecent assault against two residents at Risley Hall Approved School in the 1970s


Six years’ imprisonment

Andris Logins

Four counts of rape, 12 counts of indecent assault and one count of cruelty against children at Beechwood in the 1980s


20 years’ imprisonment

Barrie Pick

Two counts of indecent assault and two counts of indecency with a child resident at Beechwood in the 1980s


Six years’ imprisonment

Dean Gathercole

Six counts of indecent assault and three counts of rape of two residents at Amberdale in the 1980s


19 years’ imprisonment

Myriam Bamkin

Indecent assault of a resident at Amberdale in 1985


30 months’ imprisonment

Christopher Metcalfe

Indecent assault of two girls in foster care and at Skegby Hall in the 1970s


33 months’ imprisonment

Michael Robinson

Five counts of indecent assault and one count of taking an indecent photograph of a child in relation to residents at Hazelwood in the 1980s


Eight years’ imprisonment

David Gallop

Two counts of indecent assault against a resident at Hazelwood in the 1970s


21 months’ imprisonment

Table of convictions for child sexual abuse in foster care


Nature of the offence(s)

Year of conviction

Sentence received


Indecent assault of two children not in care


Three-year probation order

Bernard Holmes

Four counts, including unlawful sexual intercourse, indecent assault and gross indecency, against two children in his care


30 months’ imprisonment

Michael Chard

Four counts of indecent assault against two children in his care


Three years’ imprisonment


Indecent assault of a child in his care




Adult son of foster carer convicted of rape of a child in foster care


30 months’ imprisonment

Norman Campbell

Four counts of buggery and three counts of indecent assault against children in residential and foster care


Six years’ imprisonment


Indecent assault of two girls in his care


Three months’ imprisonment

Douglas Vardy

Sexual abuse of three children in his care



William Boden

Indecent assault of four girls from the 1960s to the 2000s who were not in care


10 years’ imprisonment

Robert Thorpe

Friend of foster carers convicted of four counts of indecent assault and five counts of unlawful sexual intercourse with a girl under 13 in foster care


Five years’ imprisonment

Patrick Gallagher

55 counts of sexual abuse, including rape and sexual assault, against 16 children (seven of whom were in his care) between 1998 and 2010


13 life sentences with a minimum term of 28 years


Two counts of sexual assault and one count of exposure against two girls. One had been in his care and the other had been in foster care with another family 


Eight months’ imprisonment

Stephen Noy

Eight counts of indecent assault and two of unlawful sexual intercourse against two girls, one of whom was under his foster care


17.5 years’ imprisonment

Raymond Smith

Indecent assault of a child not in care


Two years’ imprisonment, suspended for two years

Christopher Metcalfe

Indecent assault of two girls in foster care and at Skegby Hall in the 1970s


33 months’ imprisonment

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