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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

Call for former residents of St Aidan’s children’s home to come forward

17 May 2017

We are calling for former residents who were victims of child sexual abuse at the St Aidan’s children’s home in Widnes, Cheshire to come forward and take part in our Accountability and Reparations Investigation.

As part of the Accountability and Reparations Investigation, the Inquiry is seeking former residents of the St Aidan’s children’s home in Widnes, Cheshire to come forward as either as core participants or as witnesses.  

St Aidan's and St Vincent's children’s homes were two of the five homes at the centre of the case which became known as the "North West Child Abuse Cases". In respect of St Aidan's the Inquiry has just one core participant directly associated with the case study. A core participant has a formal role as defined by legislation. Core participants have special rights in the Inquiry process. These include receiving disclosure of documentation, being represented and making legal submissions, suggesting questions and receiving advance notice of the Inquiry’s report.

Applicants should read the description of scope of case studies, the guidance document for potential core participants and the Inquiry's FAQs. In particular applicants should note that applications should be set out in writing on no more than 4 sides of A4 paper and as a minimum should include the information set out at paragraph 14 of the guidance.

Individuals and organisations who wish to apply for core participant status in relation to the Accountability and Reparations Investigation are asked to submit their application before 30 June 2017.

Core participant status is not the only way in which you can assist the Inquiry in this investigation. This can also be done through providing witness evidence. If you do not wish to play a formal role in the investigation as a core participant, but have information to provide which may assist the Inquiry, please also get in touch as soon as possible.

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