An update note in this investigation has been published.
In this investigation, the Inquiry will build on its findings on leadership in the interim and investigation reports and consider further evidence on issues including:
Ensuring organisations are safe, and effective at being safe
Achieving openness, transparency and good communication
Ensuring good communication, escalation of issues and concerns with clear lines of accountability, and good leadership in scenarios where there is no direct line management structure
Using management and audit information to understand the institution, its systems and its performance, so that systemic warning signs can be identified early
Responding appropriately to internal and external pressure, for example from politicians, community leaders, parents, funders and other key stakeholders so that child welfare and protection is prioritised
Responding to the evidence of “whistleblowers” and recommendations from inspectorates, Serious Case Reviews and similar reports
Learning from past institutional failures, including adverse events, including embedding a ‘learning’ not a ‘blaming’ culture
Given its thematic nature, this investigation will not focus on any individual case studies or particular institution. Instead it will consider evidence on the institutional leadership themes set out above from a range of sectors in England and Wales, not necessarily limited to those with responsibility for children.
The Inquiry will have regard to the evidence already obtained about these issues in other investigations and will not seek to duplicate evidence already obtained.
For the purpose of determining Core Participant applications, the matters to which the inquiry relates are those set out above. The deadline for applications for Core Participant status in this investigation is 4pm on 13 December 2019.
A preliminary hearing in relation to this investigation will take place at 10.30am on 25 February 2020 at the Inquiry’s hearing centre in Pocock St.
The Inquiry will hold a public hearing in this investigation in 2020.