The Inquiry has today confirmed that Worth Abbey and school will not be part of the English Benedictine Congregation case study.
In her determination dated 27 July 2017 the Chair stated that, subject to receiving any submissions to the contrary, she would consider whether it was necessary or appropriate to hear further evidence in relation to Worth Abbey and School, as part of the case study relating to the English Benedictine Congregation, once the hearing in November/December 2017 had concluded. No submissions were received from core participants in relation to that. At the end of the hearing in November/December the Chair indicated that she would provide her decision on Worth once the Panel had had an opportunity to reflect upon the evidence heard during that hearing.
The Panel are now well progressed in the preparation of the report following the public hearing in November/December. Accordingly, having carefully considered the issue of Worth Abbey and School the Chair has decided that the evidence heard in respect of Downside Abbey and School, and Ampleforth Abbey and School, together with the evidence to be heard in connection with Ealing Abbey/St Benedict's School will be sufficient for the Inquiry to properly consider matters in relation to the English Benedictine Congregation. Therefore, the Inquiry does not intend to hear evidence in relation to Worth Abbey and School.
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