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IICSA published its final Report in October 2022. This website was last updated in January 2023.

IICSA Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

The Report of the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse

Final report

Part A: Introduction

1. ‘Victims and Survivors’ Voices’ recognises the experiences of approximately 7,300 victims and survivors of child sexual abuse who participated in the Inquiry’s work.[1] It reflects their accounts of child sexual abuse and draws on experiences recounted to the Inquiry of the institutional responses that followed.

2. The language used to refer to individuals reflects the different ways in which victims and survivors engaged with the Inquiry. Pseudonyms have been used to protect the anonymity of victims and survivors who spoke to the Inquiry through the Truth Project or participated in the Inquiry’s research. Ciphers (eg ‘AN-A89’) have been used for complainant core participants or other witnesses who provided evidence in the Inquiry’s investigations. The real names of victims and survivors have been used where complainant core participants have chosen to waive their right to anonymity.

3. Statistics are based on 5,862 victims and survivors who participated in the Truth Project between June 2016 and October 2021 and consented to their information being used for research purposes.[2] Figure A.1 provides an overview of the socio-demographic characteristics of those Truth Project participants.

4. By describing the experiences of victims and survivors, the Inquiry aims to increase public and institutional understanding about child sexual abuse and the impact it can have on victims and survivors.

A sectioned bar chart showing the gender, ethnicity, age group, disability status and sexual orientation of victim and survivors who took part in the Truth Project.
Figure A.1: Socio-demographic characteristics of Truth Project participants at the time of attending the Truth Project*

Long Description

Socio-demographic characteristics of Truth Project participants at the time of attending the Truth Project

Female 70
Male 29
Other 0.40
Asian/Asian British 3
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British 2
Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups 4
White 90
Other ethnic group 1
Age group
16–19 years 1
20–29 years 9
30–39 years 15
40–49 years 24
50–59 years 30
60–69 years 15
70–79 years 5
80 or older 0.4
Current disability 45
No current disability 55
Disability as a child 7
No disability as a child 93
Sexual orientation
Bisexual 6
Gay man 3
Gay women/lesbian 4
Heterosexual/straight 85
Other 2

* The socio-demographic data of Truth Project participants were gathered by the completion of a voluntary monitoring form or through information shared with facilitators and assistant facilitators during Truth Project sessions. The groupings and terminology used to describe socio-demographic characteristics are based on those used by the Office for National Statistics: Cultural identity – Office for National Statistics.



  1. The headings in ‘Victims and Survivors’ Voices’ reflect the voices of victims and survivors. It is not possible to provide a precise figure for the number of victims and survivors who participated in the Inquiry’s work, as many participated in more than one way (ie Truth Project, investigations, research), sometimes anonymously.
  2. The analysis that informed ‘Victims and Survivors’ Voices’ only used the experiences and information of Truth Project participants who gave consent for their information to be published or, for the quantitative data included, used for research. Accounts provided by these Truth Project participants also had to be in scope of the Inquiry’s research remit to be included. Some participants decided they did not want their experiences, information or views to be published or used for research – these have been excluded from the analysis. Findings cannot be applied to the general population of victims and survivors of child sexual abuse. The underlying data behind these statistics, including n values, are contained within the data compendium to this report.
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