14. The Inquiry undertook three main strands of activity.
15. The Inquiry’s investigative work underpinned the public hearings, involving a number of investigations chosen on the basis of the criteria for selection published in 2016. The breadth of these investigations enabled the Inquiry to identify any patterns of institutional failings. Each investigation – except for the thematic inquiry into effective leadership of child protection – concluded with a single report or, where necessary, more than one. The findings of the effective leadership of child protection investigation are reflected in this report. In total, 19 investigation reports have been published and are available online.
Annex 2 contains a summary of the investigation reports.
16. Each report set out the Inquiry’s conclusions and, where appropriate, recommendations for change. Annex 3 provides a summary of the Inquiry’s 107 recommendations, and the institutional response to each recommendation as at June 2022. Information published on the Inquiry’s website also provides additional updates on the institutional response following publication of the Inquiry’s investigation reports.
17. More than 200,000 documents, comprising almost two and a half million pages of evidence, were obtained by the Inquiry in the course of its investigations, of which more than 40,000 documents, comprising over 600,000 pages, were disclosed to core participants.
18. The Inquiry obtained written statements from almost 1,000 witnesses. Witnesses included victims and survivors, those directly involved in decision-making or the implementation of those decisions, corporate witnesses speaking on behalf of institutions, and other interested parties.
19. The Inquiry’s public hearings took place over 325 days and more than 700 witnesses gave evidence in person. This included accounts from victims and survivors that enabled the Inquiry to understand the extent to which institutions failed to protect them from sexual abuse when they were children. All those who gave evidence in person were offered tailored support to meet their needs throughout the process.
20. The Truth Project was established to offer the opportunity for victims and survivors to share their experiences in a safe and respectful environment. Over 6,200 victims and survivors of child sexual abuse in England and Wales participated in the Truth Project. The vast majority of participants (5,862) agreed to be part of (and were in scope of) the research programme and many participants put forward suggestions for change. By doing so, they helped the Inquiry to understand the long-term impact of child sexual abuse and to make recommendations for longer term reform. Their contributions challenged the assumptions that are so often made about the sexual abuse of children. The Truth Project dashboard for June 2016 to October 2021 is included in Annex 4.
21. This was a complex and extensive listening exercise carried out over six years. Each account, whether in person, in writing, or by telephone, video call or audio recording, was anonymised and, where permission had been granted, formed the basis of an analysis by the Inquiry’s research team. Pseudonyms have been used to protect the anonymity of victims and survivors who spoke to the Inquiry through the Truth Project or participated in the Inquiry’s research.
22. In order to support and protect victims and survivors, the Inquiry adopted a trauma-informed approach to take account of specific needs resulting from previous traumatic experiences. Trained facilitators were recruited to listen to their accounts and support services were offered, as appropriate.
23. The Inquiry enabled the widest participation of victims and survivors through awareness-raising campaigns across social media and other media outlets. It also worked closely with the charity SignHealth to support D/deaf people.
24. The Inquiry’s research programme filled gaps in knowledge about child sexual abuse and ensured that the Inquiry’s findings were informed by the latest learning. Activities included bringing together existing research as well as conducting quantitative and qualitative primary research. The Inquiry’s research collected fresh data, particularly from focus groups and from the interviews conducted with victims and survivors. Researchers analysed Truth Project information and provided regular updates on the Inquiry website. Twenty-four research and analysis reports have been published during the lifetime of the Inquiry and have, in turn, informed the Inquiry’s investigations and reports. Further details of these reports are included in Annex 2.
25. The Inquiry’s series of seminars gathered information and views about eight important issues. Each seminar involved a structured discussion among invited participants, including representatives of victims and survivors’ groups and organisations. The seminars took place on the following topics:
26. Reports summarising each seminar were published and used to inform the Inquiry’s recommendations (see Annex 2 for further information).
27. Throughout the life of the Inquiry, the voices of victims and survivors have been placed at the heart of its work. In addition to the public hearings, the Truth Project and the research programme, victims and survivors have been consulted through a variety of additional arrangements: the Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel, the Victims and Survivors Forum, and specific engagement activities sponsored by the Inquiry. All these initiatives have supported the fulfilment of the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference to enable victims and survivors to share their experiences.
28. The members of the Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel provided consultative advice on the Inquiry’s engagement activities, communications, research and recommendations. This advice ensured that the needs and perspectives of victims and survivors were reflected in the Inquiry’s work. All members of the Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel had spent many years supporting adult survivors of child sexual abuse. Their experience, knowledge and advice provided valuable insights and expertise to the Inquiry.
29. At the conclusion of the Inquiry, the Panel members were May Baxter-Thornton, Sheila Coates, Lucy Duckworth, Emma Lewis, Fay Maxted, Kit Shellam and Chris Tuck. We would like to thank them for their contributions to the Inquiry.
30. The Victims and Survivors Forum was open to all victims and survivors of child sexual abuse. By the conclusion of the Inquiry, there were more than 1,700 members across England and Wales. The members attended online and, where possible, face-to-face events to contribute to the Inquiry’s research and policy work. Comments and suggestions about these areas of work were shared with the Chair and Panel to inform their final recommendations. The Inquiry was also assisted by an Ethnic Minority Ambassador.
31. The Inquiry’s Terms of Reference were broad in nature. As a result, the Inquiry’s engagement activities provided an opportunity to gain a more in-depth understanding of contemporary issues facing children, members of ethnic minority communities who had experienced child sexual abuse, and the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning and others (LGBTQ+) community. Although these consultations did not amount to formal evidence, they contributed significantly to the Inquiry’s work, as did the support provided by the Victims and Survivors Forum and the Victims and Survivors Consultative Panel.
32. In order to obtain the views of young people, the Inquiry held a number of events specifically for young people. Assisted by various charitable organisations, the Inquiry spoke with 56 young people aged between 11 and 21, and 77 specialist child abuse support workers. A number of important points were expressed by participants:
33. In order to obtain the views of victims and survivors from ethnic minority communities, specialist support services were consulted throughout England and Wales to enhance the Inquiry’s understanding of the impacts of child sexual abuse on victims and survivors from those communities. Over 100 organisations were consulted and six important issues were expressed by participants:
34. In order to obtain the views of victims and survivors from the LGBTQ+ community, 31 victims and survivors and 29 organisations were consulted. A number of important issues were expressed by participants:
35. The Inquiry selected situations suitable for investigation which fell within two categories:
36. In selecting situations suitable for investigation, the Inquiry applied the following criteria:
37. The Inquiry also selected situations which appeared:
38. Throughout its work, the Inquiry also took account of the needs of particularly vulnerable children and those from socially excluded or minority groups.