18. Many victims and survivors made suggestions about support services for those who were sexually abused as children. In particular, it was frequently suggested that more support services should be made available. Connor emphasised the importance of victims and survivors being able to access mental health support: “unless they engage with it, they can’t move forward”.[1] Victims and survivors often commented that increased access should be combined with increased public awareness about support services.
19. Some victims and survivors emphasised the importance of child victims and survivors being able to access support services. Bryn suggested that every sexually abused child should be offered the right counselling or support as soon as possible.[2] Guy said that he would like to see more support for children who have been sexually abused “so they can have a healthy future”.[3]
20. Victims and survivors made many specific suggestions for how support services could be improved. In particular, it was often suggested that the waiting times for support services should be reduced and that long-term support should be provided free of charge. Erik emphasised this point and said that he “was lucky and could afford to pay – lots can’t”.[4] Some also advocated more specialist support services for victims and survivors of child sexual abuse. Ruth felt that there should be more people who are “trained in child sexual abuse. Not a generalised counsellor … but somebody that is specifically trained”.[5]